Юни 2024 – Стратегии в UX

Минало събитие, проведено на 5, 6 и 7 юни 2024 г., София.


Всички часове са EET.

5 юни, работилници

2 полудневни работилници
9:00 – 13:00 и 14:00 – 18:00


6 юни, целодневна работилница

1 целодневна работилница
9:00 до 18:00

7 юни, семинар

Семинарен ден с разговори и дискусии, 9:00 – 18:00, на място.

Ден 3


9:00-9:30 EET


Откриване: UX Стратегия = Бизнес Терапия

9:30-10:15 EET Мартина Миц На живо


10:40-11:00 EET


3+1 хака за въздействащо говорене (презентиране)

11:25-11:50 EET Михаил Стефанов На живо


11:50-12:10 EET


Панел UX Стратегии

12:10-13:20 EET Даниел Дунгьов На живо

Обедна почивка

13:20-14:30 EET


Бъдещето на визуалното разказване

14:30-14:55 EET Мария Бургелова На живо

Панел – AI madness

14:55-15:30 EET


15:30-15:50 EET


16:40-17:00 EET


НЕ! UX дизайнът не е мъртъв

17:00-17:45 EET Ерик Райс На живо

Официално закриване

17:45-18:00 EET

За събитието

UX Sofia е международна конференция на тема потребителско изживяване или UX (User Experience) с фокус върху дизайн, ползваемост и потребителски проучвания. Организира се от Лукрат.


Снимки от събитието в страницата на Лукрат във Фейсбук.

Видео, семинарен ден, 7 юни.

Обратна връзка


Какво ви хареса?

  • “I’ve been to many big and small events all over the world in the last year. UX Sofia was very well planned and executed and is definitely one of the best events I’ve been to recently. All speakers were great and the topics were very interesting. You created a great experience for us. Thank you!”
  • “Wow, what an amazing event! Thank you for all that you do for our UX community.”
  • “Excellent food and coffee, no long queues at registration or during breaks, everything was top class including the venue and the theater setting.”
  • “This year the speakers and agenda were a pleasant surprise and the conference as a whole was the best from the past few editions, I really loved the panel formats that broke the traditional format in a nice way and provided an opportunity for more ideas and points of view to be expressed than if they were to be traditional talks. I think you should do that next time again!”
  • “Significant improvement from last year – better topics, better speakers, nice venue. There were a lot of new faces with expertise – which was great because we heard different perspectives. The old faces and lectures almost identical to last year were the biggest con of the conference.”
  • “Била съм и преди на UX Sofia (преди няколко години) и със сигурност този път ми хареса много повече. Поздравления, че се опитвате да вдигате летвата и да подобрявате събитието.”
  • “I, as a UX researcher, really appreciate that this year there are more topic related to UX researchers (while previous years it’s been heavy design lead). The venue was better than last year’s and the food was more tasty. But the high tables did not allow us to eat properly, also the lack of plates. Also, think about sustainability – I lot of plastic bottles used in a day, which feel like a bit of waste.”
  • “Good mix of talks and breaks for personal discussions. Friendly people.”
  • “I love how many various speakers have you brought. I loved the theme and it felt more mature than previous evens.”
  • “I had a great time and met many interesting people there. Think you for creating a UX community in Bulgaria. I actually liked that there were almost no recruitment stands and initiatives at the event. I appreciate a professional event where you can share knowledge and ideas, compare experiences, company processes and values and not feel like people are constantly trying to recruit you. It creates a safe space where you can do what you do, like what you like and learn, without the need to have a wrong and right place to do so.”
Какво можем да подобрим?
  • “По-разнообразна програмата и повече кейстъдита и реални ситуации + мотиватори и чужди лектори. Българския пазар е малък и има нижда от повече чужд опит. Хора като Витали Ф., и други.”
  • “I think it would have been even more interesting if you had gone beyond the practices, and invited ethicists, anthropologists and psychologists to talk about the values ​​and encourage humane attitudes behind the strategies.”
  • “Overall, I’m super motivated and impressed by everything this year. I just have one piece of feedback: the lack of plates and hard-to-find napkins made the lunchtime experience a bit challenging, despite the delicious catering.”
  • “Още хумус 🙂 повече вегетарианска храна, намалете тестото и junk food-a.”
  • “More practical and in depth content. General talks are not very useful.”
  • “When early bird tickets were in sale, the program of the event wasn’t announced yet so if you wanted to take advantage of the lower prices you had to do it without knowing what you will be interested in.”
  • “It wasn’t clear that the conference will be only in English. It’s not a problem in itself, but a heads-up would have been good.”


  • “It was great to share some experience and knowledge with other colleagues. The atmosphere was very friendly.”
  • “The training was very interesting, nice workshop and people with great vibe. Most helpful was the experience and knowledge that we shared with the rest of the colleagues.”
  • “The workshop was very interesting, and I learned a lot of new things. However, I think it would have been better if, instead of an example of a design sprint with AI, they had given an example of creating a plugin with AI. This is because our task afterward was to create a plugin, and we lost some time at the beginning trying to get oriented.”
  • “Vesi and Mitko were great and the presentation was very interesting, and I definitely learned new tools for working with generative AI. I have no complaints.”
  • “It was very helpful.”
  • “It was very interesting and helpful – different from the usual superficial workshops.”
  • “Честно казано, първоначално не разбрах нито условието, нито целта на задачата. Единствено благодарение на колега от екипа в края на упражнението ми стана по-ясно. Въпреки, че не се включих дейно в изпълнението, беше ми интересно да наблюдавам и да науча нещо различно като материя.”
  • “The workshop was very interesting, educational, and a lot of fun. I learned many new things and have no negative feedback. It was great!”
  • “The workshop sparked some great discussions, which is always the best part of such events.”
  • “Dobrian is great speaker, mentor and very inspiring. I was glad to meet him in person.”
  • “He presented the information very interesting with real-life examples.”
  • “Dobriyan really put in a lot of effort, it was truly amazing. The presentation was amazing, the slides he made were very interesting, and his presentation style… everything was wonderful. I would love to see him at a seminar day with a lecture.”
  • “It would have been very fun if he used all of the prompts he had prepared meant to make our task harder and not only the one with the AI feature.”
  • “Dobrian was very well prepared, showed very high professionalism and was open to explore different aspects of the topic. Would definitely sign up for an upcoming workshop/lecture of him.”
  • “The training was adequate. There were useful tips and tricks for people with less AI experience. The facilitators were well informed and experienced in applying AI techniques, but did not manage to keep the engagement at all times. The topic was broad, and it required more research and time in initial stages, then wireframing felt a bit rushed but it’s good we were given extra time.”
  • “It was a little bit generic, basic stuff that more people already knew and are applying. There were some good takeaways, for that price I expected much more insights, tips and tricks.”
  • “Very nice people, although maybe the prep could be better. There were few times when it looked like they were not very well prepared and we wasted time in prompting again and again. I do understand that this is part of the work with AI, but still there were moments where the interest was lost, didn’t feel like you are getting something out of the demonstration.”
  • “Keep up the good work!:)”
  • “Ако има повече комуникация с публиката. Понеже се изгуби фокуса на внимание.”
  • “More well-structured and consistent engagement approach as with bigger groups engagement can be very varying.”

Тема: Стратегии

Темата на 13-то издание на събитието беше Стратегии – подходи за поставяне и постигане на лични и професионални цели в областта на потребителското изживяване.

Стратегическото планиране е инструмент, който оказва въздействие върху различни аспекти на нашия живот и допринася за общото ни благосъстояние като професионалисти и хора. Ангажирането с дългосрочен план за развитие помага за изграждане на самосъзнание, устойчивост, развитие на умения, възможности за растеж, лидерство и конкурентноспособност. Добрата стратегия е визия за по-пълноценен и успешен личен, и професионален живот.

UX Sofia 2024 е динамично събитие с фокус и примери за стратегии, процеси, инструменти и използване на изкуствен интелект (AI) за постигане на лично и професионално усъвършенстване. Нашите лектори и треньори ще насърчават участниците да изследват стратегии за подобряване на:

Личностно развитие
и UX – примери и добри практики за стратегии като инструмент за подобряване на самосъзнанието, емоционалната интелигентност и устойчивостта ни като хора.

Професионално развитие
и UX – примери и добри практики от различни екосистеми за постигане на професионално и кариерно развитие в областта на UX. Стратегии за придобиване на умения, кариерно израстване и изграждане на лидерство. Стартегиите, като обща визия за развитие не само насърчават адаптивността към промените във всяка индустрия, но допринасят за повишено удовлетворение от работата и интегрирането на култура на непрекъснато учене.

Целта на UX Sofia винаги е била да разширява умения и изгражда знания в областта на дизайна, потребителските проучвания и потребителската комуникация. Тази цел не се променя. В това издание се фокусираме върху стратегиите, които помагат на хората да се справят добре и да просперират.


Planet Schwarz Tech Theater
бул. Черни връх 51, Офис Х София, срещу мол Парадайс.


Генерален спонсор



Evolution of TC
Planet Schwarz
UX Bulgaria


Българска фондация биоразнообразие